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Juicing Vs. Blending – What’s Right For You?

juicing vs blendingJuicing vs. blending, is one better than the other? Well that is the question, what we will do here is address the differences of both and if there are benefits to one method over the other. Then it’s up to you to decide what option is the best.

In the juicing process, juice is separated from the pulp (or more accurately labeled, the fiber) in the fruit or vegetables being used. At the end of juicing, you simply get the juice from the fruits or vegetables, and perhaps some limited amount of the pulp, but not all of it.

When fruits and vegetables are blended, the entire contents are included: juice, pulp, everything. Blending retains the fiber which is kept out during juicing.

If you are looking for a high fiber drink, then blending is going to be a better bet since all the fiber from the pulp is included in your final drink. However, one of the benefits of juicing is that it creates a simpler carbohydrate, more simple vitamins and minerals, which enables them to be more bio-available. This simply means it is easier for your body to absorb. Blending is a way to achieve more whole nutrition because of the fiber that is kept in the final product.

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So depending on your objectives, both are great options. Blending is best for whole fiber content and nutrition, and juicing is best for more easily absorbed vitamins and minerals while reducing fiber.

Juice It Up! has great raw juice blends on the menu which use both juicing and blending. The Fusion line of products uses blending. These are high fiber juice drinks. There’s another line of products in the juice blend side where you still achieve great nutrition without the fiber. It doesn’t matter if you like raw juice drinks with fiber or without, or if you are looking for the absolute most healthy drink or just something that is refreshing but contains sugar in it like a smoothie, Juice It Up! offers products for every type of personal preference.

Find a Juice It Up! near you today and enjoy a great raw juice drink created by juicing or blending, it’s up to you!

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